Reflections and Revelations ⬅ BACK TO PROJECTS Reflections and Revelations LAW IS FLAWLESS The statutes of YHWH are right (perfect), rejoicing the heart. Psalm 19:8 THE LAW IS HOLLY Therefore the Law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good. Romans 7:12 THE LAW IS SPIRITUAL For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. Romans 7:14Every (Holy) Scripture is breathed by YHWH (given by His inspiration). 2 Timothy 3:15 ORDER BOOK AND MAKE A DONATION Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Phone *Email *MessageCHOOSE A BOOK FORMATDigital Books (PDF)Digital Books (PDF)CHOOSE A BOOKThe Way, The Truth, and The LifeThe Prophetic FeastsMy LawFoodVisual Map: Feasts of YHWHCongregationEaster or PassoverThree days and three nightsSpecial Day SabbathWebsiteORDER BOOK